It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. E.E. Cummings
You are braver than you believe, Stronger than you seem and Smarter than you think. Christopher Robin
If you can make a girl laugh you can make her do anything Marilyn Monroe
A girl can wait for the right man to come along but in the meantime that still doesn't mean she can't have a wonderful time with all the wrong ones. Cher
Beneath the make-up & behind the smile I am just a girl who wishes for the world. Marilyn Monroe

Journal Jar

When I was 12 my mom gave me a really adorable journal and what she called a "journal jar". I pulled a piece of paper out of the jar and answered the question in my journal. I only did it a few times but now I'm going to start answering them on here, starting with sharing a couple from when I was 12! :)

Name your three best friends. Tell me something about each one.
  1. Ryan A. Anderson: Male, 14 years old, Born Feb 17- Funny, Nice, and Sweet! GREAT friend!!!
  2. Cassie Goins: Female, 13 years old, Born Feb 20- Hilarious, nice, strong christian and just all around awesome!!!
  3. Cory J. Moreno: Male, 13 years old- Hilarious, soo sweet, VERY cute, GOOD friend!!!!!!

How many pets has your family had? Which one was your favorite?
I can't remember them all but here are some we had:
  • A dalmation when I was tiny. I don't know anything about him.
  • Jade- a white cat.
  • Skeeter- a back and white cat.
  • Jingles- a black cat
  • Holiday- a black and white kitten
And I love them all. I don't really have a fav but Jingles is my baby kitty! haha.

List five things you would like to do as a teenager.
  1. Kiss a guy.
  2. Find a job/Figure out what I want to do in life.
  3. Reach at least 17 people for Jesus.
  4. Be invited to a party.
  5. Get to go out with a guy I really really like.

Okay, Well that was fun but now onto starting this for real....

List five things you would like to do in your 20's.
  1. Graduate college.
  2. Get in shape!
  3. Get a job in photography.
  4. Find a real home. [[NOT college housing]]
  5. Visit both home to VA and family in IL && IL.
    Who is the President of the United States at this time? Would you like to be president?
  • Barack Hussein Obama.
  • Heck no. Not even kind of. I don't like responsibility and I would make ridiculous laws. Is that fair enough? Good. :)
   Have you ever camped outdoors? What did you like about it?
       -More than few times actually but the most recent time was my favorite. I went camping with epic at Debe's canon county house and we build a fire and had a few drinks. It was pretty much one of my favorite memories from college.

   What is your favorite season of the year?
       -By far spring! I love the temperature. The flowers. The whole idea of "new beginnings". Everything.