It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. E.E. Cummings
You are braver than you believe, Stronger than you seem and Smarter than you think. Christopher Robin
If you can make a girl laugh you can make her do anything Marilyn Monroe
A girl can wait for the right man to come along but in the meantime that still doesn't mean she can't have a wonderful time with all the wrong ones. Cher
Beneath the make-up & behind the smile I am just a girl who wishes for the world. Marilyn Monroe

Just Meags

Meagan Danielle McCann
I like to be called Meag && my best friends add an 's' like that is a nickname. :)
I am a passionate person.
A lot of who I am is because of my ADHD. The good && the bad.
I love martial arts and photography with all my heart.
I honestly believe I will be a military wife.
I have blue eyes but if you know me well enough you know they change with my mood. [blue,green,grey]
I am a TKE girl. It may not mean much to you but it means the world to me.
I LOVE to blog. It is therapeutic to me.
I am a cuddle whore. I really hate to sleep alone.
I am a TOTAL flirt.
Both being said... I don't date. I don't have the time or patience.
I'm a terrible student but I love college.
My best friends are guys && I wouldn't have it any other way. I love DeBe && Turbo.
I'm generally chipper but if I drink to much I'm an emotional wreck!
I'm the most forgetful person you will ever meet.
I am always always late.
I am mildly obsesses with penguins.
I love GREEK && Dawson's Creek. [[But what about the children?]]
I am the worlds worst driver.
I collect shot glasses.
I'm a ginger. It's true... We don't have souls.
I'm the most forgiving person you'll ever meet.
I have a hitting problem even playfully.
My apartment is decorated in stolen things. [[bar sign, traffic cone, license plate, mailbox]]
I have 9 tattoos && 13 piercings.
I love colors of the sea. [green, teal, blue]
I wear a lot of black but I'm not gothic or emo.
I am a clutter-bug.
I am more honest at this point in my life than I have ever been before...