It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. E.E. Cummings
You are braver than you believe, Stronger than you seem and Smarter than you think. Christopher Robin
If you can make a girl laugh you can make her do anything Marilyn Monroe
A girl can wait for the right man to come along but in the meantime that still doesn't mean she can't have a wonderful time with all the wrong ones. Cher
Beneath the make-up & behind the smile I am just a girl who wishes for the world. Marilyn Monroe

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Are we friends? [[Take Six]]

Do you know me?

What is my full name?
Me: Meagan Danielle McCann
Bryan: Meags Meagan Danielle McCann with two N's and also a little star after it because you are a star. It's a metaphor and metaphors are important and usually when I type it I put a smiley face around it... before or after.

Where do I claim as my hometown?
Me: Hampton, VA
Bryan: I know you claim something in VA I don't really care because I met you here and this where we hang out so as far as I'm concerned this is the home of our friendship.

Who is my best friend?
Me: Chris Slate. DEBE!
Bryan: I wanna say me but I know it's not me. Sadface. I would have to say Mike is your undying best friend but him and Debe are on the same level.

What's my favorite TV show?
Me: Dawson's Creek.
Bryan: Dawson's Creek. You have it all on DVD and we're watching it... together as friends forever. That was a rhyme.

What color was my hair when I was born?
Me: Blonde. :(
Bryan: It wasn't red... I'd say it was probably blonde.

How do I like my eggs?
Me: Scrambled with Cheese.
Bryan: You like them the way I make them which is perfect because I am perfect and I had a whole thing I was going to say... and by eating my eggs the perfect I have in me can be transferred via eggs only perfected our friendship.

Do I know you?

What is my full name?
Me: Bryan Benton Roberts
Bryan: Bryan Benton Roberts but sometimes I like to put a title at the end. The Lord of the Gays. Cause it's sounds really englishy... That's all in caps by the way.

Where do I claim as my hometown?
Me: ?, Michigan
Bryan: Battlecreek, Michigan It's where they make all the cereal in the world... at least the good stuff.

Who is my best friend?
Me: Me.
Bryan: I would say my best friend at the moment is you cause I can tell you everything and you're always there for me. We can share blankets and watch movie.

What's my favorite TV show?
Bryan: Yeah, I'd say GLEE. I like it cause it's got music, drama, and comedy. Oh and Jane Lynch if she had a talk show I'd watch it.

What color was my hair when I was born?
Me: Blonde.
Bryan: Yeah I was blonde.

How do I like my eggs?
Me: You aren't an egg expert. You just cook them? lol
Bryan: I liked them cooked the same when I make them but on a sandwich with mayo and cheese. Lots of cheese cause I like cheese.

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