It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. E.E. Cummings
You are braver than you believe, Stronger than you seem and Smarter than you think. Christopher Robin
If you can make a girl laugh you can make her do anything Marilyn Monroe
A girl can wait for the right man to come along but in the meantime that still doesn't mean she can't have a wonderful time with all the wrong ones. Cher
Beneath the make-up & behind the smile I am just a girl who wishes for the world. Marilyn Monroe

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Special Edition

20 Questions with the people in my apartment right now...
AKA: 831 [epic] tattoo parlor edition.

What's your name?
Jamie Crabtree
Molly Johnson
Mike Cina
Kyle Standifer... Bryan Roberts
Meag McCann
David Ambrose
MG Morgan
Randy Bickers

What's your favorite color? Start with the basics?
Red and Black
Royal Purple
Blue and Black
Black and Green
Red or Green

How old are you?
How old am I? Or Kyle? I'm 19.
25 (Bryan: Holy shit I can see your beard from here nigga)

How many tattoos and what kind?
-I have fleur de lis between my shoulder blades.
-A mushroom. A skull with a halo. And an unspeakable heart.
-Nautical star. Celtic crescent mood. And an ankh.
-I have one giant tattoo... Nah I'm just playin' my temple is pure and clean.
-I have stars on my left foot representing my belt system. I have a film strip on my right calf, a music note with the initials of my best friend danielle and i on my right ankle, and taekwondo in korean on my right foot, life in my sisters handwriting on my left wrist, music notes made into a heart on my left arm, epic on the back of my neck, a kanji mustang on my chest, and a music stanza with daffodils and stars on my lower back.
-Punisher skull on my right arm and getting the titans symbol... right now.
-Alot. More than I can count or describe.
-My daughters name on my ribs and lyrics to a song on my chest.

Guilty Pleasure Song
-Britney Spears Circus
-Iris by Goo Goo Dolls
-Welcome to Hell by Venom
-Miley Cyrus Can't be Tamed
-Spice Girls Wannabe
-I Just Had Sex by Lonely Island
-I only listen to Marylin Manson and Tech9
-Like a G6

What's your number?
My official number is ten but the number I tell everyone is 7.
10 but technically 13.
What if I don't know?! It's more than 15.
Like 26 or 27.
Like 33.

What's your favorite alcoholic drink?
Grateful Dead Long Island Iced Tea at Wall Street
Squeeze My Balls made by Jason and Mario.
Vodka and Koolaid. Preferably grape.
Red Headed Slut.
I don't drink. Bud Light if I did.
Mine is girly... I like Margaritas.

When did you first get drunk?
17 from Rum and Rockstar
I was with Sean, probably 14. Bacardi Orange in the back of Sean's truck.
12. Vodka and Bud Light.
19. Dorm Party off Strawberry Vodka.
18. Sigma Chi Heaven and Hell Party off Jager out of a KA flask.
13 Probably whiskey.
16 drinking Southern Comfort. I ended up lighting my foot on fire that night.
15. I tried to drink a pint of SoCo by myself. I thought it was like beer.

Are you still friends with who you lost your virginity to?
Fuck no. Oh my god.
Eh. Hard question. Not sure we were ever friends.
I haven't talked to her in like five years.

Would you sleep with that person again?
hahahhahaha. No.
I don't like this question. It depends on where they are in life.
If I ever found her.
hahahahahha FUCK NO! Oh my god. I have dignity.
Nope. Never. Not even a chance.
Hell yeah. In a heartbeat.

How old were you when you lost your virginity?

How many sex toys do you have?

Favorite place you've had sex...
His office.
Another person's room while they were asleep on the couch.
Mall dressing room.
I don't know. The house I grew up in. On the bathroom counter.
In my own house.
I got a BJ in Goody's or on my baby momma's parents bed.

Oldest person you've had sex with?
I was 20 and he was 23 or 24.
I was 15. He was 21.
I was 19. She was 35.
I was 18. He was 22.
I was 18. He was 32.
I was 24. She was 39.
I was 20. she was 31.
I was 15. She was 21.

What time did you go to bed last night and who with?
3:30 by myself.
5:00 with Mike
5:00 with Molly
I just passed out. Midnight or One.
3:00 with Mikey
5:00 all by my lonesome
2:45 with Carolyn
5:00 with Cori

What's your secret talent?
I'm actually a really good singer.
I have the power of the buckets.
I'm a good cook.
I don't think I'm really good at anything. I'm good at pointing out people's insecurities.
I'm a blogger.
I can do card tricks.
I have like 50 things. I can play the violin.

What do you hate most about yourself?
I'm so short.
My body.
My anger.
What do I think about salad? What? I hate that I'm so charming and everyone loves me.
My weight.
I always end up with crazy bitches.
I'm bipolar.
I'm too lazy.

What's your favorite thing about you?
I'm a hateful bitch.
I'm Switzerland.
My eyes.
I like that... Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful.
I'm a ginger and I kick ass.
I'm highly motivated.
I have no clue.
My penis.

Perfect Dinner:
Italian. Watch me stuff my face with pasta like a fatty.
Macaroni Grill.
I've got this. Giant most big bowl of Mac'n'cheese. That's all you need in life.
BBQ Pork Ribs.
Steak with bacon strips. Baked potato with salad,
Habachi and Sushi.

Your Idol:
Minerva Mcgonagall
My mom
Venom... Putt Adam Sandler
Will Schurster
Scarlett off GIJOE
Charlie Sheen... jk. Johnny Depp and a little bit of Quagmire.
19 4 13
Hugh Heffner

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