It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. E.E. Cummings
You are braver than you believe, Stronger than you seem and Smarter than you think. Christopher Robin
If you can make a girl laugh you can make her do anything Marilyn Monroe
A girl can wait for the right man to come along but in the meantime that still doesn't mean she can't have a wonderful time with all the wrong ones. Cher
Beneath the make-up & behind the smile I am just a girl who wishes for the world. Marilyn Monroe

Friday, December 24, 2010

2010: In Review

2010 has been a crazy year. To say it has had it's ups & downs is an understatement but it has been the end of my junior year & the beginning of some amazing friendships. Here is a little recap of how my year went down...

January was the start of my junior year at MTSU which meant filing my intent to graduate & upper division forms. Now that made me feel old. I also had "Fancy Party" with my martial arts school which was far to much fun. We went to Nashville in a limo & had a great time dancing until we couldn't walk anymore. :)

February was a lot of school work. Keeping up with school had become a full time job on top of my job which is a lot to keep up with. It snowed which was tons of fun! Me & Alicia had a great time in the snow at my apartment! And I got to see David Ambrose for the first time in years! This was also the month we got the announcement that my school of five years was closing. My instructors, Jim & Paula were moving to Florida. This was a big shock... :/

March was all about the hot tub!! Me & Karus were in that hot tub probably 3 times a week the whole month. I can not wait till it is open again!! :)

April.. The big 20! I'm finally not a teenager anymore which I started off by celebrating the 90's! :) We danced to NSYNC & Alannis all night. I even had a Tamagotchi brownie cake!

May meant everyone was home from college for break. I got to have my annual lunch with Kelsey & Kalli at Reeves Sain. It's nice to know 5 years out of college I still see them for that at least. :)

June... I met one of Gracie's friends step-mom's, Tashia. She is a photographer and we did a lot of park walking exploring to find some fun picture opportunities. We took the girls out a lot.

July was amazing... I'm not gonna lie. You have probably seen a total change in my life and my personality since this month. My best friend since I was 13 came home from Iraq && I have had a BLAST with him and our new "group" of friends we have brought together. I am so glad go have Chris Slate home!!

August was when my new Roomate, Carolyn moved in. She is... a little crazy but has been interesting to live with. :) The hot tub nights continued & we spend many many nights on my futon on the porch. It was a great end to summer.

September... I got a new tattoo, well kind of two. I got a horse for my grandfather on my chest & I redid my tramp stamp. :) Also... The start of [[epic]]. My friends && I have banded together pretty tightly. We have a group we call as we see it & that is epic! We hit the footballs at MT, we met Jose at IHOP & Disco Daniel at Waffle House, We chalked the basketball court & window painted every car at college grove... We just have fun, a lot. I love my friends & they have showed me how to open up and be me and make mistakes and change for the better... It's been amazing.

October was crazy. We went camping at Chris' property in Cannon County & far too many nights at Riverstone. The only downfall in the month was that Debe had to go to Hawaii for a bit so that was sad, but then we discovered out great love for acronym parties! :) ((DIKY, GAP2P, etc.))We also had a pretty great Halloween. Molly had a party, I had a party & we spent one night hitting the parties of MTSU like TKE & Rugby. :)

November was just about as epic as the past two months. Chris opened a bar for a while that was called epic & we loved the place. We had far too much fun at Karaoke there! We went bowling, had movie nights & hit TKE's blacklight party, not to mention the party we threw at 831 for Courtney, Nathan, & Sean's birthday! I got to take my first pictures of Baby Emberlynn this month. :) We took 3rd floor to get his first tattoo & spend one night literally just being ridiculous in walmart! We even as a group sat down at a table & had a real family dinner. Then over Thanksgiving we had epic thanksgiving where we all brought something and had family thanksgiving together. It has been amazing...

December is here and almost over. Wow. It feels like 2010 just began and yet here comes 2011. We discovered the Grind & now spend many nights with Tony there eating grilled cheese & bacon while playing apples to apples but the best part is when Chris plays shows there. :)We played pool and watched my favorite team (( the patriots!)) win game after game. We had some pretty great Christmas parties too! Starting with Jager by the Christmas tree & ending with epic christmas. Epic Christmas was great... as our "friend family" we came together and did a gift exchange and it was so much fun. Then we said goodbye to one of best friends, Molly, who moved to florida this month.

Like I said this year has been up and down and way up and way down. It was crazy and wonderful and everything in between. I have had a great year and a terrible year and I wouldn't trade a minute of it. I can't wait to see what 2011 brings for me, my family, and for my friends.

I love you guys and I hope you have an... [[EPIC]] Christmas!!!!


  1. I am sorry I am not around enough.I feel I really dont deserve acceptance, understanding,or even sympathy...and I know it is my fault.

  2. Plus I dont remember the fun part of the snow...your heater went out and we had no blankets...we could have died!
