It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. E.E. Cummings
You are braver than you believe, Stronger than you seem and Smarter than you think. Christopher Robin
If you can make a girl laugh you can make her do anything Marilyn Monroe
A girl can wait for the right man to come along but in the meantime that still doesn't mean she can't have a wonderful time with all the wrong ones. Cher
Beneath the make-up & behind the smile I am just a girl who wishes for the world. Marilyn Monroe

Sunday, December 26, 2010


To say Christmas start off rough is kind of understatement. I worked Christmas eve and got off work late to freezing roads. My dad was coming to get me because we were skipping typical Christmas eve tradition of church & then looking at lights because we were afraid the snow might get pretty bad [[although it didn't]]. I got to my apartment to realize I had locked myself [[yeah surprise surprise]]. So I went down to the office and they had closed early. Okay that sucked but I figured I'd just call the CA on call and get in and pack before my dad made it to Murfreesboro from Walter Hill.. Except the office phone was messed up. I was pretty much freaking out. The office didn't open back up until Monday and I didn't have anything except the dress clothes and heels I was in. No pajamas for the weekend, no laptop, no camera for Christmas pictures, and no presents for my family, Oh and my phone died while I was waiting on my dad in the cold. Yay! So we headed back to Walter Hill while I called my friend [[who works in the office]] over & over. She text me back and let me know the apartment that the CA on call lived in... Sooo we drove back to Murfreesboro to attempt to reach him. I knocked on his door and someone answer who called him and after waiting around for a good half an hour I finally got back into my apartment $40 poorer. So I packed up and headed home for Christmas.

Saying all of that and having stayed up till almost 2 am wrapping Christmas presents I have to admit I had one of the best Christmas'... ever. It was a fun day at home. No fighting, no crying, nothing. We woke up and opened presents, then we cooked and watched Christmas movies. Gracie and I played with our new guitars and made a gingerbread house and finished off the day with a great family dinner [[complete with the amazing stuffing]]. It was for reals... awesome. :)

Okay and on top of that, I got really awesome Christmas presents and I feel I should share what all I got. :)Soooo I got... A guitar, a lap laptop desk, a 4ft picture collage frame, cornjerkers t-shirt, dress, sweater, make-up brush set, an afgan made my mom, two scarves made by my mom, a recipe box filled with ALL our recipes written out by my mom, gloves, sewing kit, flip-flops, brown boots, $10 giftcard for taco-bell, $5 giftcard to starbucks, mcdonalds & steak and shake. Yeah... I'm not gonna lie I racked up! :)

So... Christmas 2010 was a success.

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