It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. E.E. Cummings
You are braver than you believe, Stronger than you seem and Smarter than you think. Christopher Robin
If you can make a girl laugh you can make her do anything Marilyn Monroe
A girl can wait for the right man to come along but in the meantime that still doesn't mean she can't have a wonderful time with all the wrong ones. Cher
Beneath the make-up & behind the smile I am just a girl who wishes for the world. Marilyn Monroe

Sunday, January 2, 2011

No witty title today... Just read it.

I have a problem in that I always want everyone to be happy. I want everyone to like me, all the time. I want to appease everyone and make everyone my friend. The problem with that is that not everyone is going to like me && I can't change who I am to please every single person but I have ALWAYS tried to do that... This really becomes a problem when I realized that I have tried so hard to hang onto the wrong people in my life. I have had female friends before... A lot actually. And they have never stuck around. Whether it's silly fights or just drifting away, Noone has ever tried to make things work. I do however have a male best friend who has been there through thick and thin. Of course we have fought but it has never come down to not speaking && I've never been afraid it would. But lately I been changing and not for the better. I have made stupid decisions and hurt people and just over all been not me! I have been pushed into situations I never thought I would ever have to be in and I reacted in all the wrong ways. So my new years resolutions are personal but they will be some major changes! Now on that note... I have done A LOT of apologizing in the past 48 hours and I have been ignored, told I was not forgiven && hugged. It's been a painful time and I don't know when I'll feel like everything is okay again but I'm doing my best here... So this is me putting it all on a shelf. I'm working on me and being the best friend I can be to the friends I do have and other than that I am realizing if you want to walk away from me in a time like this when I need my friends more than I probably ever have... Then walk away. I'm not going to fight it. I can't anymore. I love you guys more than anything && I will do ANYTHING for any of you but I will not force you to be here for me. I'm sorry for anything and everything I have put you through and I'm asking you to stand by me now but if you can't or wont... That's fine... I will understand you simply were not intended to be apart of my life.

I hope to watch my relationships grow stronger this year and I can't wait to see who is still beside me in the end!

Phil. 1:7

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