It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. E.E. Cummings
You are braver than you believe, Stronger than you seem and Smarter than you think. Christopher Robin
If you can make a girl laugh you can make her do anything Marilyn Monroe
A girl can wait for the right man to come along but in the meantime that still doesn't mean she can't have a wonderful time with all the wrong ones. Cher
Beneath the make-up & behind the smile I am just a girl who wishes for the world. Marilyn Monroe

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Friend Zone.

Number one rule: There is no way out!

Once you have been friend zoned, no matter the reason, it is 99.99% definite that you will stay in the friend zone. I'm sorry this has happened to you but go ahead and accept it and make you only decision left... Do you stay in the friend zone or do you walk away? That's all you have. Stop hoping for the magic door to appear from "Friend zone" to "Boyfriend zone". It does not exist.

For girls there are two distinct categories and then a few subtle sub-categories within. The two categories are simple... Friend Zone && More.

You can be friend zoned for quite a few reasons including but not limited to...
-the brother type
-too passive, act like a doormat
-closet gay
-too clingy, you NEED her etc.

On the other side of things in that "More" category you can be her boyfriend, you can be FWB's, and you can even be just friends but have that oppurtunity open.

The point is once you are friend zoned there is no way back out. If you make the decision to stay her close friend you will spend the remainder of you friendship listening to her complain about the jerks she dates and clinging to the false hopes she throws your way in her down time between men. Be prepared. So if you honestly believe it's better than nothing. Hang in there. Be the best friend she'll ever have and expect for it to suck a lot of the time. If not, suck it and walk away. She will understand eventually but she wont ever admit it.

Hmmm. One more thing boys... You may not do the same thing but the things you do can be just as bad if not worse sometimes so don't pass off all the blame!

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