It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. E.E. Cummings
You are braver than you believe, Stronger than you seem and Smarter than you think. Christopher Robin
If you can make a girl laugh you can make her do anything Marilyn Monroe
A girl can wait for the right man to come along but in the meantime that still doesn't mean she can't have a wonderful time with all the wrong ones. Cher
Beneath the make-up & behind the smile I am just a girl who wishes for the world. Marilyn Monroe

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Spring Break 2011

This is a quick list of what I have learned on my first Spring Break which I took in Panama City Beach this year. While most of it is stated humorously, It is totally legit. Not all of it happened to me or even my friends but I somehow came in contact with this entire list this week. Check it out. Learn something. :)
Do's && Don'ts of Spring Break

Do not buy your neighbors jager... It will be gone in 10 minutes.
DO drink your neighbors jager. It's free, why not?
Do close the blinds on the RV.
Do invite cute boys back to your campsite. :)
Do NOT invite gingers back to your tent...
Do hang out with the hot neighbors.
Do not get black out drunk.
Do trip over the Europeans water main.
Do NO lick a TKE! [[Important]] :)
Do go for the awesome mardi gras beads.
Do NOT show your dick for beads in the Wendy's line!
Do not let Cy bring your tent.
Do kiss the hot English boy.
Do not kiss your friend Scott.
Do not leave your things on the beach to hang out with Germans in their hotel.
Do take the free condoms...
Do not go to towns where Plan B is sold out for an 8 mi radius!
Do camp with your friends.
Do not text & drive.
Do drink on the beach... It's part of the experience.
Do NOT get an underage citation.
Do wear shoes... Florida has prickly things.
Do NOT punch your friends.
Do meet guys from IN.
Do not hang out with people from Ball State...Apparently their STD rate is VERY high.
Do party on top of a bus.
Do not jump off the bus.
Do funnel a beer on the ripstick.
Do not crash on the ripstick.
Do build a fire.
Do not put fireworks in it.
Do go for the cute frat boy.
Do NOT go for the frat...
Do party on the beach.
Do NOT pass out on the beach.
Do pee in the ocean.
Do not let a rando show you wear the bathroom is.
Do bring your baby to the beach.
Do NOT bring a baby home from the beach.
Do laugh at the boys when they wear sparkly suntan lotion.
Do not sunburn!
Do steal a hate from a rando that steals beer from you.
Do bring extra blankets.
Do not sleep two to a sleeping bag.
Do get phone numbers.
Do not get emotionally attached.
Do not bring your significant other to Spring Break.
Do pass out in your car, if necessary.
Do not pass out on a fence.
Do eat bananas from Germans.
Do not fall in their tub.
Do not throw beers.
Do not hang out with Billy Bobs.
Do not funnel four lokos.
Do not take the four lokos from strangers.
Do NOT put LT in charge of your cooler.
Do take pictures of everything... I mean everything.
Do not piss Meag off!
Do go to PCB for Spring Break.
Do NOT regret a moment!!

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