It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. E.E. Cummings
You are braver than you believe, Stronger than you seem and Smarter than you think. Christopher Robin
If you can make a girl laugh you can make her do anything Marilyn Monroe
A girl can wait for the right man to come along but in the meantime that still doesn't mean she can't have a wonderful time with all the wrong ones. Cher
Beneath the make-up & behind the smile I am just a girl who wishes for the world. Marilyn Monroe

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What I wish I had known...

I wanna slowly add to this blog, so I guess this will come in parts. I'll do about five every time. Some will be funny and some are serious... I just kind of hope this helps someone because I know it would have helped me a lot over the years.

  • Every year between 18-22 is a big deal.

It always sucks to be considered young. You'll have the urgue to say, "Your only a year older than me!" And when you say it you are instantly aging yourself. The truth is every year during college matters. You will learn and grow and hurt and change. You will feel so different and so much older every year. Your friends may only be a couple years older than you but they have been through everything you are going through and they will have insight you don't.

  • Take a fun class every semester.

It will make a world of difference. In the midst of all your crazy classes and homework you will have the one class you don't want to miss. Try yoga, personal conditioning, horseback riding, karate, or tennis. There SO many to choose from. :)

  • You don't have to drink to have fun or have sex to get a boy/girlfriend but just because you have doesn't make you a bad person.

I'm challenging my social/childhood norms here but I just need to say it. You will eventually end up at a party or out with friends and you will be put in one of these situations. It's your decision to make for yourself. They may or may not have both negative and positive consequences but neither will define you in life. You are still you and you are not labeled good or bad by these decisions.

  • Respect your parents but don't worry so much about their perception.

Yeah. This one could get me in some trouble, I know, but hear me out. You are in college. You are going to do things your parents don't always approve of... Be that pierce something or drink. Your parents were there once too. They had to make those decisions for themselves and so do you. Respect them and listen to what they have to say because while you may not agree they are trying to protect you from the mistakes they made but remember you have to make your own mistakes too.

  • Make a tradition.

It sounds silly but you will love it. If you love football make a point to watch every game with your friends. Find a cafe in town that you can go to often. For me that's Reeves Sain about once a year with a couple of my good high school friends and The Grind is my late night hang out. If you love a TV show make it a weekly things with your best friend. Find something you keep constant in your life.

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