It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. E.E. Cummings
You are braver than you believe, Stronger than you seem and Smarter than you think. Christopher Robin
If you can make a girl laugh you can make her do anything Marilyn Monroe
A girl can wait for the right man to come along but in the meantime that still doesn't mean she can't have a wonderful time with all the wrong ones. Cher
Beneath the make-up & behind the smile I am just a girl who wishes for the world. Marilyn Monroe

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

10 Questions with TKE

We polled some of the TKE's and the TKE girls and came up with some pretty interesting answers.

Here are our results...

1. What's your name?
Marsi, Meag, Jamie, LT, Mikey, Watson, Jeacock, MJG, Heather, Mercedes, Bryan, Jeremy, Austin, Ashley && Carbine.

2. When was TKE founded?
1899 - correct answer given by Marsi, Meag, LT, Mikey, Watson, Jeacock, MJG, Bryan, Jeremy && Carbine.
Jan 10. 1899 - exact answer by Austin
1800's? - Jamie
1789 or 1889- Annie
1862 Is it 1800's or 1900's? 1912 - Ashley
1925 - Heather
1959 - Mercedes

3. When did you lose your virginity?

14, 18, 18, 13, 19, 16, 15 or 16, 19, 16, 15, 16, 17, 16, 17, 16 && 20.

4. Tell me a pick up line.

I lost my virginity. Can I have yours?
I have beer!
Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Fuck me. I'm drunk.
Hi. My name is Michael.
I just wanna get my dick wet.
Hey baby, Does this smell like chloroform to you?
If you suck my dick I'll never speak to you again.
Is there a keg in your pants 'cause I'd tap that.
That's hard.
Does this napkin smell like chloroform to you?
Do you work at subway because you just gave me a footlong.
If good looks were milk you'd be a cow.
I hate you.
Do you believe in love at first site or should I walk by again?
[[Please guess who's who! :)]]

5. Who is the last person you spent the night with?

Marsi: Peacock
Meag: MJG
Jamie: Micah
LT: Mercedes
Mikey: Charlotte, Skylar & Kash.
Watson: Holli
Jeacock: know.
MJG: Meag
Heather: Jason
Mercedes: LT
Bryan: LT
Jeremy: Kenneth
Austin: Dylan
Ashley: Carbine
Carbine: Ashley
Annie: Mitch

6. What's the craziest thing your parents caught you doing?
Having sex.
With a keg in my apartment.
Dancing in my room with headphones on.
Going down on a girl while rolling.
Stripping for a band competition.
Never get caught. I always get away with things.
We drank their keg after they fell asleep.
Jerking off.
I never get caught.
Smoking a bowl in my friends car in our garage.
Melting crayons.
Having sex.
Sitting in a sink, shaving my legs.
Setting paper on fire in the bathroom in the sink.
Smoking cigarettes.

7. What do the 5 triangles on the flag mean?
5 founding fathers - correct answer [[that is not a secret]] given by Meag, LT, Mikey, MJG && Jeacock.
I don't know - Marsi, Jamie, Heather, Mercedes Annie && Ashley.
We don't know yet... We're pledges. - Bryan, Jeremy && Austin.
I think that's a secret. It's a heirarchy of principles. - Watson
I know the real answer not the fake answer. - Carbine

[[There is a deeper meaning but it's a secret so obviously the girls don't know it and the boys can't say it so it's not on my blog!! :)]]

8. What's your biggest fear?
Not dying peacefully, Walking sticks, && Pratville.
Ending up alone.
No major phobias.
Being stuck in a small place with all the TKE girls. :) Actually being pulled under a semi in my car.
America! 2012?
Did I bring a sphere? Spiders.
Earthquakes && the KKK.
Bugs that sting.
Weddings && Falling asleep in bed and waking up in a hospital.
N/A && Everything according to Ashley.

9. Whats your favorite beer?
Bud Light or Shocktop.
I don't know yet. I like dark beer.
Fat Tire.
Bud Light.
Any && Lots!
Michelob Ultra.
Smirnoff Ice.
Black & Tan Yuengling.
Bud Select.
Miller Light.
Coors Light

10. Cliche: What's your favorite color?
Orange - Marsi
Teal - Meag
Green - Jamie, LT, Jeacock, Mercedes, Annie
Blue - Mikey, Watson,
Red- MJG
Purple - Heather
Sky Blue/Periwinkle - Bryan
Royal Blue- Jeremy
Black- Austin
Red or Green but not together unless it's Christmas - Ashley
Red or Blue but not together unless it's Christmas or America - Carbine