It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. E.E. Cummings
You are braver than you believe, Stronger than you seem and Smarter than you think. Christopher Robin
If you can make a girl laugh you can make her do anything Marilyn Monroe
A girl can wait for the right man to come along but in the meantime that still doesn't mean she can't have a wonderful time with all the wrong ones. Cher
Beneath the make-up & behind the smile I am just a girl who wishes for the world. Marilyn Monroe

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Are we friends: Take four

Ashley && Carbine

Do you know me?

What is my full name?
Ashley: I actually know this one
Carbine: Meeeeagan. Hold on. [[checks facebook]]
Ashley: [[after checking facebook]] Meagan Danielle McCann
Carbine: I was gonna say that!
Meag: Meagan Danielle McCann

What's my favorite color?
Ashley: Purple
Carbine: [[really long pause]] Hold on. [[Checks my blog]] Teal.
Meag: Teal

Where do I spend the MOST of my time?
Ashley: TKE
Carbine: TKE house
[[answered at the exact same time]]
Meag: TKE

Who is my closest best friend?
Ashley: Me!
Carbine: Chris Slate or Sean.
Ashley: Chris Slate.
Meag: Chris Slate

Who is the last person I spent the night with?
Ashley: MJG
Carbine: LTizzle
Meag: Not funny. You're a jerk. MJG.

How do I like my eggs?
Ashley: Scrambled.
Carbine: Cooked. hahaha Oh I'm sorry raw.
Meag: Scrambled with Cheese.

How well do I know you?

What is my full name?
Meag: Christopher Allenn Ryan Carbine && Ashley ?? Ramsay
Carbine: Christopher Allen Ryan Carbine
Ashley: Ashley Dawn Ramsay

What is my favorite color?
Meag: Ashley's favorite colors are red and green but not together unless it's chrismas && Carbine's favorite colors are red and blue but not together unless it's christmas or america.
Carbine: She's right.
Ashley: We already talked about this today. Not fair.

Where do I spend most of my time?
Meag: At work.
Carbine: Hell
Ashley: Hey don't talk about me like that!
Carbine: [[work]]
Ashley: Yeah work.

Who is my closest best friend?
Meag: Emily or Chrissy or Mikey for Ashley and I don't know who Carbine's is.
Ashley: Emily, Chrissy, or Mikey
Carbine: Brandon, Mikey, Chelsea, or Chelsia.

Who is the last person you spend the night with?
Meag: Each other. That's stupid.
Carbine: Meag
Ashley: Meag but not you... Family Guy Meg.
Meag: Okay my apartment but together in bed. Geez.

How do I like my eggs?
Meag: Scrambled??
Carbine: Fried.
Ashley: Sandwiches as Patties.

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