It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. E.E. Cummings
You are braver than you believe, Stronger than you seem and Smarter than you think. Christopher Robin
If you can make a girl laugh you can make her do anything Marilyn Monroe
A girl can wait for the right man to come along but in the meantime that still doesn't mean she can't have a wonderful time with all the wrong ones. Cher
Beneath the make-up & behind the smile I am just a girl who wishes for the world. Marilyn Monroe

Monday, October 24, 2011

Are we friends: [[Take Eight]]

What's my full name?
meagan danielle mccann
-Capitalize my name! But yeah...

What's my favorite color?
-Correct but I told you like an hour ago!

How many tattoos do I have?

What's my favorite alcoholic drink?a
alcohol of some sort
-Yeah I'm an alcoholic I get it but no. Jager... Actually Redheaded Sluts.

Where did we meet?
school/oakland high
-In choir class but correct.

What's my worst fear?
i dont know
-Nope. Clowns and Being Alone.

How many siblings do I have?
-Wrong. I have 9.

What's my birthday?
april 18

How do I like my eggs?
-With cheese.

Now it's my turn...

What's my full name?
Timothy Neil Purrington

What's my favorite color?
Orange but not the UT kind and red and black together.

How many tattoos do I have?

What's my favorite alcoholic drink?
You don't drink. Damn good kid.
-Correct and neither should you!!!!!!!!!!

Where did we meet?
Choir Class. :) Not Science class.

What's my worst fear?
I have no idea but I'm willing to be you'll say you aren't afraid of anything.
-true minus really really tall heights that is very unstable or that i can not get down from

How many siblings do I have?

What's my birthday?
April 21

How do I like my eggs?
-Wrong. Every fashion with everything on them and that peppers, garlic, mushrooms,cheese, steak, oregano, basil, black pepper

Tim: 5.5/9
Meagan: 8/9

I win. :)


  1. haha. you know it. i need to visit you or you need to visit me so we can go get a drink! :)
