It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. E.E. Cummings
You are braver than you believe, Stronger than you seem and Smarter than you think. Christopher Robin
If you can make a girl laugh you can make her do anything Marilyn Monroe
A girl can wait for the right man to come along but in the meantime that still doesn't mean she can't have a wonderful time with all the wrong ones. Cher
Beneath the make-up & behind the smile I am just a girl who wishes for the world. Marilyn Monroe

Sunday, December 1, 2013

7 things that cross my mind a lot.

1. How much I love my boyfriend. And that's weird for me. I have never been the relationship type and I definitely have never liked commitment but every day I get a little more comfortable and I find myself wondering why I spent so long running from this.

2. I miss my mom. We had a rocky relationship but I spend every day wishing I had one more with her. I'm living a pretty surreal life right now. Life goes on and you find a routine and a new "normal" but it never seems quite right again. Sometimes you wanna cry but you can't because everyone expects you to just be okay by now. You aren't though. I don't know if you ever are again...

3. I need to get in shape. I tell myself over and over again that I'm gonna start running, eating right but I don't and I hate myself for it.

4. Just how much my life has changed in the past year. A year ago I wouldn't have left my house unless getting messed up was an option and I couldn't actually have a "fun night" with less than a bottle (or a few lines depending on my drug of choice for the night). These days my most fun nights are spent playing board games or watching sports. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

5. Finances. How do I get there from here? I have goals and plans and ideas but I just don't always see the way out. Learning to trust God in this area is not the easiest thing.

6. All things Redemption. Set lists for worship. Lesson plans for RED kidz. Ideas for the tween ministry, Sparkle. Seriously at work some days I get completely lost in ideas and planning! Too excited about what God is doing in and through the church for the city of LaVergne.

7. The future in general. My future husband, kids, job. Will I actually go back to school? Will I keep the promises I made to my friends? Will I make a difference? And on and on and on it goes...

Saturday, November 30, 2013

8 ways to win my heart.

1. Don't be a pushover. If you always let me win I'm going to get bored real quick. So argue with me but don't put me down to prove your point. That wont get you anywhere either.
2. Love sports and talk sports with me. I may be a girl but I love them too.
3. Take pictures with me. All the time. Especially in those cheesy booths at the movies and the mall. I sincerely love those things!
4. Brush my hair out of my face gently when you're talking to me. Kiss me on the forehead and the tip of the nose. It's the simple touches that melt my heart.
5. Compliment me. Even when I argue and tell you you're a liar. I need to be reminded more than most that you care.
6. Make ridiculous future plans with me. Sometimes I like to plan things like trips to Cedar Point and moving to Boston. Let me dream.
7. Get to know me. Like really know me. I absolutely melt when someone can notice a mannerism about myself that most people don't.
8. Love God and love my church family. A man after God's heart is the only kind of man for me.

Friday, November 29, 2013

9 things about Meags

1. I love nicknames. I love to give them and I love being called by them. Meags was a "party name" but I can't help but smile when certain people still call me that.

2. I am a Christian and in fact VERY involved as leadership in my church but I am also open about my struggles with addiction and co-dependency.

3. I love photography and want to own my own business one day.

4. I am considering going back to school for Addiction and Recovery Psychology.

5. I am a black belt in TKD and I constantly want to get back into it. Also, I've always wanted to run a 5K but I lack the motivation.

6. I sing for the worship team at my church. I love it because I love to sing but I lack the confidence to really lead.

7. I do have a favorite flower, it's the daffodil. But I don't like flowers much at all. I once told my boyfriend I would punch him if he ever bought me flowers. I just think they're a general waste of money.

8. My favorite thing about having black hair is that I can wear ridiculously bright colored lipstick now!

9. I'm a sports fan. I love Boston (Red Sox, Celtics & Bruins). I love New England Patriots. And I love Auburn. Best. Teams. Ever.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Are we friends? [[Take Nine: The boyfriend edition]]

What's my full name?
Meagan Danielle McCann

What's my favorite color?
Correct. Then turquoise.

How many tattoos do I have?
Ahh, Is it 11 or 13? Is that right? I don't know? Or is it 8? That one I don't know about because I've never counted myself and I'm bad about not being able to do something unless it's visually... I can think of 8...
The answer is 14. You could say 12 if you make my chest piece one instead of three.

What's (was) my favorite alcoholic drink?
Tequila (followed by laughter)
Yes although it used to be Jager.

Where did we meet?
At my apartment...either time.
 Correct. (Side note he says which time because we actually became friends after hanging out at his birthday party in Feb 2011 but specifically remember actually meeting once before, also at his apartment.)

What's my worst fear?
You're worst fear? Clowns? I don't know if it's that or being alone.
Both are correct.

How many siblings do I have?
How many are we counting? Cause You have Gracie and Brandon, Gracie's brothers and sisters and then 4 or 5... Then you have two more...
Okay there is Brandon, Gracie and my half sisters Allyson and Katelyn so that's 4. Then Gracie's brothers and sisters are Carissa, Mack, Kolby and Jacob and their brothers and sisters are Emma, Hannah and Levi... So that totals to...11. Yeah. 11.

What's my birthday?
April 18th

How do I like my eggs?
With Cheese.

Where do I claim as my hometown?
You're hometown? Uhhh. I can't remember the name of it. It's in VA... It's not Richmond. I don't know. I forget the name of it. Mmmm.
Ugh. It's Hampton. 

Who is my best friend?
Me or Sierrah.
You conveniently left out Sean hun... :)

What's my favorite TV show?
How I Met Your Mother? Or Sons of Anarchy... It's kind of a toss up there. Both pretty great shows.
Currently you are correct. It used to be Dawson's Creek.

Do I collect anything? If so what?
Horses. Penguins. But I think you got your horses from your grandfather... But I think you add to your collections. (Looks around) And clothes... 'cause there's a lot of them.
Correct. Correct. Shut up I hate you and shot glasses. I also collect shot glasses.

Where do I spend MOST of my time?
Where? Um... Home or Work. Psht or Church. Where did we spend all night tonight?
Why am I so lame? Yeah. You're right.

Who is the last person I spent the night with?
Me. Your boyfriend that you love.
That's what you think. Just kidding. ;) Correct.

What is my favorite song?
Crap. I'm gonna be in trouble for this one 'cause I know it. It's something with the name, and you were like this is my favorite song and I forget what the crap it was... Or we can go with Oceans 'cause it's the one you sing all the freakin' time. Current song. Let's go with that one.
Girl Put Your Records On by Corinne Bailey Rae. Geez. I've told you this 100 times. Listen to me.

What is my favorite movie?
(blank look) I don't know at all.
Seriously, you suck. It's Grease. 

What's my favorite flower?
Ah crap. (blank look) Why do not know this? Is it like an orchid or something?
And you REALLY suck on this one. An orchid?? Seriously? A daffodil you jerk. 

What did I want to be when I was little?
When you were little? I don't know what you wanted to be when you were little. I don't think you've ever told me what you wanted to be when you were little. (laughter) A kung fu fighter. Sorry the song just like...
A marine biologist. Okay actually I wanted to be a dolphin trainer but then I realized that involved science and I hate science so I changed my mind.

What is my favorite drink?
Dr Pepper
Correct. But this is second to the best pop ever... Squirt.

Now that I know my boyfriend doesn't love me... Let's see what I know about him?

Full Name? Charles Reid Covington III. Correct
Favorite color? Yellow. Correct
Tattoos? None. Correct
Favorite alcoholic drink? Beer.  Correct
Where we met? Your apartment. Correct
Biggest fear? Not being elect. You know? I have no clue but I would go with heights. 
Siblings? None. Correct
Birthday? Feb 5th. Correct
Eggs? That stupid way where you don't really cook them, you leave the yellow all liquidy in there and pull it off and eat it, what is that called? Over easy. Sunny Side up. So I was correct? (laughs)
Home town? Atlanta? Marietta or LaVergne.
Best friend? Me. Just me. Daniel and Madison are stupid. And Aaron doesn't count cause I've never met him. You and Daniel, Madison, Ayren.  That's the wrong answer.
Favorite TV show? Same as mine? Yeah that includes Dawson's Creek. Don't play. Um we'll go with HIMYM and Top Gear.
Collection? No. Not anymore. I lost them. My hats.
Where do you spend your time? With me. Does that count? Correct
Last night? With me. The best girlfriend in the world. Correct
Favorite song? Do you have a favorite song? Is it Thunderstruck? Good guess. Anything by AC/DC is a good guess... Something 'bout a Truck.
Favorite movie? Your favorite movie? Yeah I don't know. Shawshank Redemption
Favorite flower? You've told me this... Ummm. You said it on the back porch when we were looking at my moms memorial flowers, an orchid? It might be a kind of orchid, a snap dragon. Liar but whatever. You totally said Orchid before!
When you were little you wanted to be... a rockstar. Definitely not... but yes. A fighter pilot.
Favorite drink? Dr Pepper. Is that a real question? Dr Pepper.

Monday, November 25, 2013

I'm back with 10 things I want to say to 10 people.

Well it's been quite awhile since I blogged, at least for the public and I miss it. Saying that, I'm a little rusty and don't know where I want to go with my blogs now. Especially since my entire attitude towards life is quite different than it used to be. While I'm still all about having fun, I find my joy in sunday evenings teaching kids and bonfires than with a bottle of tequila anymore. So I'm gonna redo a session of blogs I did just about exactly three years ago. I did it in 10 days last time so we'll see how this goes. :)

10 things you want to say to 10 people:
1: I miss you. Every day. I spend most moments hoping you're proud of me now. They say hindsight is 20/20 and I don't think that's exactly true but I definely she good times a lot more clearly than the bad now. I wish I had never taken a moment for granted but I can't keep living in my regrets. I love you and just truly hope you knew that.
2: I honestly do love you and that scares me. A lot. You opened me up to a future I never dreamed of and quite honestly I never wanted but the longer I spend with you the more I can't imagine why I wouldn't...
3: You have been the best friend I've ever had. That being said you've been the most difficult person I've ever met. I have fought very hard to keep you in my life and to stay a part of yours and who knows if that is for the best or not but I can't stop trying. I want so badly to see you happy and I know you think you know whats going to make you happy but I know that you need so much more and I hope you find it.
4: I have spent half the time I've known you hating you and half the time I've known you thinking you were my best friend. And the truth is both are fair because you are two faced. Completely. You are a selfish girl who is only out to serve herself and that's extremely sad because you life under the banner that you're a christian.
5: You and your family have been an absolute blessing to me. You have helped me grow daily and learn to love and serve God in a way I didn't understand. I hope you know I believe in you and your vision. God is going to use you, he already has and you're right we're gonna ROCK THIS CITY.
6: I think you're changing right now and I hope I'm right. You have such a broken spirit. You need to learn to respect yourself because you are a child of God and a beautiful woman who deserves respect and not to be treated the way you have let these jerks treat you!!
7: We've had our ups and downs and ins and outs but you are like familiy and I'm so glad that despite lots of time apart and stupid fights we always end up close again.
8: You have been absolutely amazing since I lost my mom. You've treated me like a daughter and I'm so thankful for your kind words.
9: I am so much more thankful for the time I get to spend with you. Whether it is watching movies or the drive to work. I love you so so much. Thank you for being all that you are.
10: After being my best friend for years we lost touch when I lost myself. We don't get to talk as much as I'd like but I'm so so glad I've gotten to get to know you and your family again. I love you girl.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Perfect Family.

What's your name?

What's your favorite color? Start with the basics?
Teal and Red

How old are you?

How many tattoos?

Guilty Pleasure Song
I'm the Only One- Glee Cast
Stay - Sugarland
When You Got A Good Thing- LadyA

What's your favorite alcoholic drink?
Whiskey and Jager
LTD Whiskey
Citronge Petrone

When did you first get drunk?

Are you still friends with who you lost your virginity to?
Fuck no.
No, She was a slut.

Would you sleep with that person again?
Hell to the motherfuckin' no.
Hell motherfuckin' no.

How old were you when you lost your virginity?
10 or 11.

How many sex toys do you have?

Favorite place you've had sex...
Dressing room at the mall.
On the stairs.
Water bed.

Oldest person you've had sex with?
I was 18 he was 31.
I was 17 she was 30.
I was 22 she was 30.

What time did you go to bed last night and who with?
5:00 am altogether... haha.

What's your secret talent?
I can kick ass.
I don't have a gag reflex.

What's your favorite thing about you?
My personality.
My voice.
My body.

Perfect Dinner:
Pizza && Cigarettes.
Steak. Mashed Potatoes.Broccoli.

Your Idol:
David Bell.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Are we friends: [[Take Eight]]

What's my full name?
meagan danielle mccann
-Capitalize my name! But yeah...

What's my favorite color?
-Correct but I told you like an hour ago!

How many tattoos do I have?

What's my favorite alcoholic drink?a
alcohol of some sort
-Yeah I'm an alcoholic I get it but no. Jager... Actually Redheaded Sluts.

Where did we meet?
school/oakland high
-In choir class but correct.

What's my worst fear?
i dont know
-Nope. Clowns and Being Alone.

How many siblings do I have?
-Wrong. I have 9.

What's my birthday?
april 18

How do I like my eggs?
-With cheese.

Now it's my turn...

What's my full name?
Timothy Neil Purrington

What's my favorite color?
Orange but not the UT kind and red and black together.

How many tattoos do I have?

What's my favorite alcoholic drink?
You don't drink. Damn good kid.
-Correct and neither should you!!!!!!!!!!

Where did we meet?
Choir Class. :) Not Science class.

What's my worst fear?
I have no idea but I'm willing to be you'll say you aren't afraid of anything.
-true minus really really tall heights that is very unstable or that i can not get down from

How many siblings do I have?

What's my birthday?
April 21

How do I like my eggs?
-Wrong. Every fashion with everything on them and that peppers, garlic, mushrooms,cheese, steak, oregano, basil, black pepper

Tim: 5.5/9
Meagan: 8/9

I win. :)